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    Mechanical equipment non-standard product design modification optimization principle


    For machinery industry equipment, many equipment customers require suppliers to modify their equipment when purchasing equipment to meet different product production needs, so suppliers need to make non-standard design changes to the equipment, in order to meet customer expectations. One of the characteristics of non-standard design change itself is that the cycle is short, the success rate is high, the upstream and downstream supply chain is complex, the product is strongly targeted, and there is no good reference object and sufficient design experience, almost every non-standard design is a test of life and death and baptism for the team members, but also a rebirth. Therefore, in the process of design change, it is worth your attention to change the principles, these principles cooperate and cooperate with each other, the premise and basis of each other, only by taking into account these design change principles, in order to really complete a non-standard product design, to meet the expectations of customers and their own, to achieve a win-win effect.

    First, the principle of cost first

    Non-standard product design changes, the biggest characteristic is non-scale production, single function and limited scope of adaptation, for such design changes in the product, it needs strict cost control, in order to achieve the expectation of transaction. Cost control can be considered from the following aspects:

    (1) R&D cost (design optimization)

    As far as possible, we should choose excellent soldiers to be the project directors of non-standard product design in the future. In the staffing of the project, we should try to be as few as possible but precise, and the comprehensive ability of the project personnel should be as high as possible. The project manager should not only have enough experience and ability in scheme design, but also have the corresponding responsibility and skills in team coordination. At the same time, he should take into account the operation efficiency of the team and control the cost of research and development at the lowest limit.

    (2) Procurement cost (procurement optimization)

    The control of procurement cost also requires the cooperation of R&D engineers to generalize and standardize the parts selected for the project as far as possible, and unify the suppliers of these parts as far as possible, so as to form a long-term and mutually beneficial strategic partnership. At the same time, negotiate the payment method of procurement, quarterly payment or annual payment as far as possible, in order to expect to occupy a small amount of working capital.

    (3) Processing cost

    In the structural design, we should try to make the functional parts modular, universal, although the non-standard design, but its essence is still composed of different functional parts, in the selection and use of many functional parts, there are still a lot of commonality. When processing, try to do scale and mass processing of these functional parts to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of processing.

    (4) Assembly cost

    This also involves the structural processing of non-standard design and the realization and installation of functional components, as far as possible to simplify, compact, simple, standardized processing of the structure, can be outsourced never outsourcing, can be outsourced never homemade. At the same time, before assembly, it is necessary to fully explain and explain with assembly technicians, and form a standard assembly process and technology, so that the whole assembly process can be carried out in a barrier-free way.

    (5) debugging cost

    The debugging cost depends on the depth of project investigation and analysis before the non-standard design, and also depends on the skill and experience of the project designer. At the same time, it depends more on the improvability and technical proficiency of the field debugging engineers. In the non-standard design project, it is necessary to let the most excellent people stand in the front line, they are the biggest guarantee for the success of the project.

    (6) after-sales cost

    In fact, what the non-standard design fears most is the unlimited increase of after-sale cost, which is one of the reasons why the non-standard design is expensive, and also the most uncontrollable part of the non-standard design. Whether a project makes money is largely focused on the after-sale. The cost control mainly depends on the design, and we will make more thorough analysis in the future.

    Two, quality assurance principles

    Non-standard product design, quality assurance from two major aspects, as long as the control of these two aspects, also basically ensure the quality of the product:

    (1) Design capability of engineers

    As for non-standard design, because it is a "one-shot deal", there is no chance of trial and error and no budget at all. If it succeeds, "everyone is happy", while if it fails, "all is lost", so the personal experience and ability of design engineers are very dependent and tested. Especially for project design engineers, the original right or wrong of the project is the basis for testing whether the team is doing a "right thing". If the original wrong exists in the project, then all the efforts of the follow-up team are "opposite" futile efforts, which not only wastes the company's human, financial and material resources, but more importantly, loses the opportunity and pattern to compete for the market. At the same time, we also need to take into account the processing of non-standard design in details, a good and reliable design, details are the king, the stability and applicability of non-standard products must come from the processing of details, and the ability of design engineers often remind in the grasp and application of details.

    (2) Quality of purchased parts

    For a product manager, we can only believe that "cheap without good goods, good goods are not cheap". Any reliable and functional parts will not be obtained at an unreasonable price. The choice is a gamble for a product manager, which has both experience and luck. Many products use good accessories, but there are also mistakes. Some products use very common accessories, and the probability of good operation for several years also exists, so it largely depends on the choice of the project manager. However, according to previous experience, for the design of non-standard products, I personally suggest using better parts as far as possible. Although the initial cost is a little higher, it can reduce the after-sale cost in the later period and ensure the good reputation of our products in the market and customers. This is not only for the consideration of product cost. More in the company's product marketing and corporate image.

    For example, if you choose a linear guide, you can not choose Japanese THK, but you have to use Taiwan silver at least. As for some domestic brands, you should try to give up, because you can't afford some mistakes.

    Three, process control principles

    Process control is mainly reflected in two parts, of course, these two parts also have a great relationship with the cost, but more depends on the designer's design ability:

    (1) Control of machining technology

    A non-standard product, must be processed parts, how to ensure the reliability and low cost of processing technology from the design, is a design engineer can not avoid the responsibility, the same functional parts, to achieve the same functional requirements. If the outsourcing processing, others only need 1000 yuan cost and 15 days cycle, yours needs 1500 yuan cost and 20 days cycle, this is your design ability defects and deficiencies, at the same time, we should also fully consider the enterprise around the supporting industrial chain problems. For example, the equipment situation of outsourcing processing manufacturers, technological level, worker level, and so on, only by taking these factors into account in our product design, in order to truly realize the control of machining technology.

    (2) Control of assembly process

    The control of assembly process is the same as the control of machining process, most of which comes from the ability of design engineers. Of course, we should also combine the processing quality, the supporting facilities of the assembly site, the equipment of tooling and gage, and the rationality of process flow and process arrangement. These factors need to be considered are the responsibility of a non-standard product project manager, is the need for adequate preparation and planning principles of the project. If you go where you go, it's almost impossible to make a good design for a non-standard product, because the product cycle and price don't give you enough room to correct your mistakes and mistakes.

    Four, periodic accounting principle

    Non-standard product design, cycle accounting is very critical, in fact, for many engineers, as long as the product is not too complicated, we have the ability to receive orders, but in a short time, from the design, outsourcing, outsourcing, assembly and debugging links can be reasonable layout and system completion, it is still a test of the ability of project engineers. This is not only the design ability, but also the allocation ability of various resources from competitors, the ability to grasp the upstream and downstream industrial chain of products, and the ability to control each link of the project are very big tests. Many aspects of the cycle budget are uncontrollable, such as the upstream and downstream suppliers. Non-standard designs are mostly produced in single pieces or in small batches, so it is difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm and desire of upstream and downstream suppliers in terms of their cooperation. Most of the time, they don't care whether you have this "painless" small order, so in the supply chain equipment and mastery, especially to make enough efforts. For those links that can be controlled, we must try our best to gain more time, and leave this time for those links that cannot be controlled, so as to have a good dynamic balance for the whole project. This is something that everyone engaged in non-standard product design needs to bear in mind.

    V. Principles of after-sales evaluation

    In the previous part of cost control, we also mentioned the great influence of after-sales cost. In fact, this after-sales cost has a great relationship with the nature of non-standard product design. For a mature product, it is a gradual process from research and development to trial production, trial production to trial, trial to perfection, and perfection to product design. However, due to the uniqueness of the product market, non-standard products eliminate multiple steps such as "trial production, trial and perfection", basically from research and development to assembly, and from assembly to use such a route, which largely determines the immaturity and instability of products. Even the excellent design engineers sometimes make mistakes. So we can not have too much demanding of a research and development engineer, can only use some systems, experience and design ability, as far as possible to ensure that the product as mature and practical, even if we do not 100 percent, but also to deal with some key functions and structure, so that there is more plasticity of the product. This is also conducive to our follow-up improvement and improvement, do not appear in the principle of product design mistakes and defects, otherwise only a loss. At the same time, we also need to maintain good communication with the end users of the product, always keep the communication smooth and timely, with thoughtful service and good attitude to make up for some small mistakes in the design of the product, and in the follow-up after-sales process, with practical actions and efficient improvement of the plan to calm customers' dissatisfaction and complaints. Only in this way, can we really make ourselves mature from the promotion of the project, but also let the company strong from the sales of products.

    In short, as a non-standard product design change engineer, familiar with the above principles, flexible application, in order to meet customer needs and expectations, to achieve win-win results.
